Thursday 21 August 2008

Detroit Families To Share Health Care Stories At Roundtable With Health Insurance Plans

�Detroit families and community leaders will share their health precaution stories and their priorities for health care reform at a roundtable today with representatives from the health insurance industry.

Detroit, MI is the second stop on a listening tour conducted by America's Health Insurance Plans' (AHIP) Campaign for an American Solution. The campaign is a new national grassroots and educational initiative to build documentation for feasible health care reform based on vI core principles: coverage, affordability, quality, economic value, choice and portability.

"As we listen to the health care stories of families in Detroit and crossways the land, we are also seeking their input on our reform proposals and what the land can do to make coverage more affordable and more portable," said Karen Ignagni, president and CEO of AHIP.

The Campaign for an American Solution is engaging in conversations about health upkeep with Americans from all walks of life-those with coverage and those without, small business owners and employees, unification leaders and members, physicians and early providers, and working families from divers communities.

"We ar encouraging all Americans to have their voices heard in the health caution reform treatment," said Ignagni.

Over the past iI years, AHIP's Board of Directors has developed a range of comprehensive policy proposals to provide families with greater access to high-quality affordable health care coverage. AHIP's proposals would:

- Ensure that all Americans receive access to health upkeep coverage;

- Repair the health care safety internet by expanding Medicaid to cover every uninsured American living in poverty and making all children from low-income uninsured families eligible for the Children's Health Insurance Program;

- Strengthen the employer-based wellness care coverage system that enables tens of millions of working families to access indemnity;

- Guarantee access to health forethought coverage in the individual market to ensure that no i falls through the cracks;

- Give working families a serving hand to afford health care coverage by providing tax credits on a sliding-scale up to 400 percent of the federal poverty argument;

- Give workers portability with a new tax-exempt portable health account that can be used to purchase whatsoever type of health care coverage. Individuals, employers, the federal government and land governments could all lead to the account;

- Slow the growth rate of the cost of medical services to facilitate make reporting more low-cost for working families; and

- Improve the value that consumers get for their wellness care dollars by rewarding quality, promoting wellness and prevention, and providing consumers with better access to information about what medical treatments ar most effective.

Currently, more than one meg people in Michigan, or ten pct of the state's population, are uninsured, according to Urban Institute and Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured estimates based on U.S. Census Bureau March 2006 and 2007 Current Population Survey information. The same report estimates nearly 47 million Americans do non have health insurance coverage.

About the Campaign for an American Solution

The Campaign for an American Solution is a nonpartisan, educational and grassroots enterprisingness of America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the national trade association whose members provide reporting to more than two hundred million citizenry. The Campaign's goal is to build support for workable wellness care reform based on core principles supported by the American people: reporting, affordability, quality, value, alternative and portability.

America's Health Insurance Plans

More info

Monday 11 August 2008

Marcel et son Orchestre

Marcel et son Orchestre   
Artist: Marcel et son Orchestre



Crave Pas, T'es Chauve   
 Crave Pas, T'es Chauve

Tracks: 14


Ex-Eurythmic Stewart tours again as "band leader"